Jane's workshop allowed our team an opportunity to learn more about each other in a creative and supportive manner. Through the use of art, we reflected on our own qualities and characteristics and shared these with each other under her guidance. The gentle structure Jane provided meant that we felt comfortable in exploring our thoughts and emotions, and the conversation naturally progressed with those around us. The Mindfulness meditation, the music and the calm was fantastic. We framed our pieces and they sit in our meeting place. When conversations become challenging, it is a wonderful reminder of the trust we developed as we built our relationship as colleagues and leaders. The workshop was enjoyable, relaxing and and thought-provoking.  

Thank you Jane.

- Melissa Mackellin, Assistant Principal (10-12), Marcellin College

Jane ran a session on ‘strategies for developing resilience’ at our team retreat. The brief was to provide our team with tools and strategies to withstand knock-backs/criticism, cope with a fast-paced & high-pressure work environment and provide us with strategies to switch off from work at the end of the day.  Jane’s insights and strategies were of immense benefit to our team – she has a clear understanding of the pressures of private practice and provided simple and effective strategies for us to take with us back to the office.   Jane’s session was engaging, fun and relevant!

- Special Counsel, Maddocks Lawyers

For SEMZ, Jane Elms has run a series of regular workshops for our team in East Melbourne over the past 18 months. Each time she focused on a new theme and has covered areas such as;

·       Stress management tools;

·       Self-care, wellbeing and Mindfulness meditation;

·       Sleep strategies;

·       Resilience;

·       Gratitude;

·       Positive thinking

These sessions have been extremely valuable to our team members by providing them with tangible strategies and simple techniques which they are implementing in their daily lives.

We have staff who confirm they are sleeping better, worrying less and operating more efficiently because they are more present.

Jane is an engaging and insightful presenter and she is clearly passionate about wellbeing.

I would highly recommend her as a presenter or facilitator in any environment.

- Ken Santamaria, Director, SEMZ

The response to Jane’s Mindfulness classes within our organisation has been extremely positive. Jane has introduced our team to strategies for finding calm and counteracting stress prevalent in the workplace – and our very fast-paced lives! Jane is a pleasure to work with, always engaging and professional. Thank you, Jane, for introducing Mindfulness to Marshall White!

- Rob Vickers-Willis, GM Boroondara, Learning & Development, Marshall White

“What I enjoyed most about this workshop was realising it wasn't about the art, but it was about my mind and being present in the moment. I was surprised the exercise turned my thinking around, and I LOVED what I created. Thank you!"

- Belinda, Real Estate Professional

I have had the pleasure of knowing Jane Elms for nearly twenty years. In that time, I have always found her to be professional in her dealings with students, parents and colleagues. Jane speaks eloquently and passionately about the life skills that young people need to be happy, healthy and successful individuals.  Her manner is warm and genuine.  Her well-prepared and well-resourced workshops contain many practical activities and strategies that participants relate to, practice and use in their everyday lives.  Students in my care often mention her workshops as being a highlight of their school year. I cannot recommend her enough.

I attended an Art from The Heart afternoon with Jane and absolutely loved it! I learnt so much about myself and new strategies to calm and care for myself. I cannot recommend this workshop enough if you need to slow down, take time for yourself and learn to love yourself. The benefits are forever and I feel so empowered and focused three weeks on! Thank you, Jane.

- Susan Snooks, Classroom teacher, Burke Hall, Xavier College

I attended an Art from The Heart afternoon with Jane and absolutely loved it! I learnt so much about myself and new strategies to calm and care for myself. I cannot recommend this workshop enough if you need to slow down, take time for yourself and learn to love yourself. The benefits are forever and I feel so empowered and focused three weeks on! Thank you, Jane.

- Jessica Harvey, Brisbane